Dance Therapy, Performance and Meditation in Java

December 22, 2017 – January 6, 2018
Dance Your Own Dance
on the most mystical island in Indonesia
16 days of work together with the world famous Javanese master and performer Suprapto Suryodarmo, the creator of Joged Amerta:

The Joged Amerta practice is called "movement vipassana". And performers as well as dance and movement therapy practitioners around the world use it successfully in their work.

1–10 days. You will explore yourself through Joged Amerta dance and movement in the Suprapto Suryodarmo's garden-school in Surakarta.

11–16 days. Together with the group you will travel around exotic Java, continuing to practice dance and performance, meeting other masters and local mystical corners.

This video shows Suprapto Suryodarmo performing Joged Amerta Dance
Why Go to Java Together With Living Myth?
4 experiences that you will receive
Joged Amerta
Every day we will practice Joged Amerta with Suprapto Suryodarmo. In the course of the study you will create a group dance and perform it at the Art Sharing Festival on New Year's Eve at a Hindu temple.
Javanese Culture
During the tour you will take part in village trance rituals and meditative palace dance traditions, watch shadow puppet theater wayang kulit and listen to sublime sounds of gamelan. You will not only watch and get inspired, but also actively participate in everything that is happening around.
Indonesian Lifestyle
You will visit the striking cultural capitals of Java: Surakarta and Yogyakarta, visit traditional villages as well as enigmatic Hindu and Buddhist temples.
Nature of Java
You will witness the sunrise above the clouds, climb the mystic mountains, dip into the Indian ocean, meditate in ancient caves. You will visit remote black and white beaches, mighty volcanoes, and tropical jungles.
What Is Joged Amerta?
Joged Amerta name comes from "Joged" – the Javanese word for dance, and "Amerta" – the Sacred Elixir of Life in Javanese mythology.

Dance practice Joged Amerta helps to explore oneself through free movement. Moving this way you rethink and get insights about your life and your relationship with the environment and the natural world.

Jogged Amerta in Wikipedia:

Joged Amerta was developed by the Javanese dance master and performer Suprapto Suryodarmo in 1970s. This form of non-stylized movement practice draws on free movement, the practice of Vipassana, traditional Javanese and Buddhist meditations.

Amerta suggests that the 'moving self' is, in fact, a multiplicity of changing selves in a constantly changing environment. According to Suryodarmo, through movement we can reintegrate parts of our self and become a part of our environment. Observing body movement, the master will hep you to sense or diagnose what is emerging in your life and relationships with other people as well as support you on the path of self exploration.

Joged Amerta movement is studied in Java, Europe, Australasia and the Americas by dancers, musicians, psychotherapists, art/music/drama therapists, artists, filmmakers and teachers.

Change your life through dance receiving the knowledge from the founder of the Joged Amerta practice.
Expedition Route
Expedition Itinerary
Day 1-6: Suprapto's School in Surakarta
You will stay at the garden-school of the master Suprapto Suryodarmo. Every day for 5 hours you will learn and practice Joged Amerta movement. After dinner you will have a chance to visit stunning Javanese traditional dance and music performances.
Day 7-9: Sukuh Hindu temple
You will spend 3 days in this incredible place of power. In the temple you will work together with the master on the group performance for the New Year festival that Suprapto Suryodarmo has been organizing for the last 10 years.
Day 10: Cetho Hindu temple
After morning rehearsals, you will trek through traditional villages and farms to a beautiful waterfall and visit another Hindu temple high up in the mountains among tea plantations.
Day 11: New Year Festival in Sukuh Temple
Today you will take part at the Art Sharing Festival together with dancers, performers, singers, musicians, artist from around the world. You will perform your group dance.
Day 12-13: Indian Ocean beaches
After meditation and movement practices on the Lawu mountain you will head to the Indian Ocean. These isolated beaches are great to relax and ponder over the magic that happened to you during the last week.
Day 14-15: Artists' Village
At the end of the journey you will have a unique opportunity to spend a few days in the traditional Javanese village located on Merapi volcano. In this village all inhabitants are dancers and musicians and they all, from the elders to the kids, take part in ceremonies that are regularly held to connect with anscestors.
Day 16: Yogyakarta
Small Yogya is a unique blend of ancient and contemporary culture. You will visit the Sultan palace, water palace, bird market, contemporary art galleries and trendy cafes. There is one more surprise awaiting you before heading back home. At Yogyakarta your hostess will teach you how to cook a delicious Indonesian traditional breakfast, so back home you could share the sweet taste of Java. On the way to the airport you will stop at the market to buy fresh spices, mangoes and papayas for those waiting for you back home.
Photo Album 2016
December 22, 2017 – January 6, 2018
16 days
«Early Bird» Discount
The discount is valid only if the nonrefundable
downpayment of $300 is paid by November 1, 2017
Regular Price
The nonrefundable downpayment of $300
must be paid by December 20, 2017
* If you choose to participate only in the first part of the journey, from December 22, 2017 until January 1, 2018, please, contact the organiser to discuss all the details.
What is included?

  • 7 days of Joged Amerta intensive workshop with the world-famous dance and movement teacher Suprapto Suryodarmo
  • Participation in the New Year Festival
  • Admissions to tourist sites
  • Cultural events, such as music concerts and dance performances
  • Trekking
  • Guide and interpreter services
  • Transportation
  • Accommodations
  • 3 meals a day

Not included:

  • International and local airfares
  • Insurance
Embark on the Moving Java Journey!
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