A B O U TddL I V I N GddM Y T H

Living Myth is a self-exploratory creative expedition into many dimensions of Land, Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit. We travel as a group to places of power, culture and beauty which hold subtle mythological clues that point to evolutionary trends and energies, all of which shape today's humanity. We believe exploring these places together over the course of a journey allows for many insights, unequivocal creativity, and fresh outlooks on collective and individual destiny.
Our dream is to co-create a space of the Living Myth, a fusion of adventure, nature, local cuisine, art, group energy and personal exploration.
Every day of the Living Myth journey we agree to meet in a new place on many levels, seeing ourselves and the world around us as if and as never before. We intend to be ever changing and fluid. We'll explore, talk, practice, cook and eat, and dream and laugh, creating that which we always wanted but never had a chance to live or experience… We'll see our art unfurling in the presence of the mundane. We'll write poems within and without, without words and by them.
Living Myth Expeditions is as much about discovering the outer world, as it is about exploring the universe within. We'll have a daily schedule with sightseeing, art workshops, meals, bedtimes, and laboratories to suit every fairy and fancy. Among other things Art is a CRAFT to be practiced, so we will do so during art workshops, together and individually. We will dedicate a few hours each day to studying and mastering the body's material and subtle dimensions in the LifeStream Laboratory. We'll also freely share MySelf – the most cherished inner art we carry around. And there will be some special events, first of a predestined design and then who knows…
I soon realised that no journey carries one far unless, as it extends into the world around us, it goes an equal distance into the world within.
Lillian Smith
Living Myth is an expedition in which we discover new places together. Some are even new for the organizers, thus it will be a discovery for everyone involved. The organizers take care of transportation, lodging, meals, and will serve as interpreters, suggest activities, and facilitate processes. The rest will be our collective effort. Together we teleport to the everyday reality of local culture, communicate with natives, try new ways of being, learn from global wisdom, and share our hearts' warmth.
Living Myth is a practice of looking into the kaleidoscope of the ever-changing world around and within us, seeing its meanings and avenues of creative expression.
I have always preferred mythology to history. Because history is made up of truths which eventually turn into lies. Mythology is made up of lies that eventually become truths. And if you have the luck of living on in your spirit, it would be in mythological form.
Jean Cocteau
In the end, we will decide what we show, and how, and when out of everything we've created so far. It will be a diary, rewritten anew every time we read it through ourselves. During the trip we will write together a blog that tells about our adventures, insights and discoveries. After returning home we may choose to organize a presentation, or a group performance, or an exhibition that will allow us to share what we have lived throughout the journey.
Living Myth has no shape and all meaning.

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