in-depth retreat in the island of long-livers
June 24 - July 4, 2024
This journey continues a series of
retreat-expeditions to "Blue Zones"—geographic regions that are home to some of the world's oldest people. We go to these places to study the happy life connoisseurs and "get infected" with longevity. Travel, learn, draw conclusions, live long, share experiences and wisdom!
Sardinia is the island of the emerald sea and white sand beaches, mysterious past of the Nuragic civilization, pristine nature and millenary traditions. Residents of Sardinia have a very impressive life expectancy. They say their longevity comes from faith in the family, mutual respect, optimism despite the harsh living conditions, a sense of humor and a simple way of life. The locals wake up at four o'clock in the morning and work until dusk, cultivate the land, and herd sheep and goats. At twilight they rest in a company of friends, snacking on barley tortilla with sheep's pecorino cheese, and sharing an obligatory bottle of local dark red wine. We will follow their example and see where this lifestyle takes us.
What Can We Learn From the Sardinians?
Lesson #1
The Sardinians have strong family and friendship values. They nourish rich and healthy relationships. During our trip we will make many new friends. We will meet locals and travel in a group of like-minded individuals. Participants of Living Myth expeditions value mutual attunement, which fosters seeing, hearing and appreciating one another. Every evening we will hold a MySelf circle to process and integrate our daily experiences in a company of friends. Sharing meals, adventures, feelings and thoughts create strong bonds between the participants of the expedition, making Living Myth an international community of friends that stay in touch long after the trip is over.
Lesson #2
Traditionally Sardinian shepherds walk at least five miles a day. Walking provides excellent cardiovascular benefits, has a positive effect on muscles and bones, and is easy on the joints. And so we will walk exploring the unique rocky terrain of central Sardinia. We will hike in National Parks and Gola di Gorropu—Europe's Grand Canyon, descend into underground caves complexes festooned with stalactites and stalagmites. We will play and experiment with walking in silence to access our hidden resources through incubating an important question or inner inquiry. We will practice a unique technique of LifeStream walking, and remember the Ministry of Silly Walks. We will also begin every day with gentle body-mind practices, including hatha- and kundalini yoga, LifeStream, Intuitive movement and meditation. While traveling we will practice Chi Gung at many different locations, learning how to feel and access the local energies for healing, rejuvenation and inspiration.
Lesson #3
The Sardinians hold high respect for the elderly. The older generation is regarded as a source of love, guidance and wisdom. This tradition might harbor many great secrets of longevity. Feeling loved and appreciated gives us a reason to live longer. Sardinia is a treasure box of the past. We will attune to the energies of the ancient times by exploring the hidden messages of Nuragic sacred ritual sites and prehistoric settlements through voice and movement exercises. We will visit the ancient burial chambers, Tomba dei Giganti, tombs of giants, and Domus de Jana—Houses of Fairies! We will make a special trip to the oldest tree in Europe, walk in a picturesque ghost town and cross the island in a timeless journey on a steam locomotive. And most importantly we will meet and get to know Silvio, a 94 years old man, who has spent the last century on the island, and will be happy to share his stories with us.
Lesson #4
Since the ancient times the inhabitants of Sardinia have been organizing sacred rituals of purification, healing and rebirth using the the island's pure waters. To deeply explore the healing properties of water we will connect with the water element at Nuragic water sanctuaries, water amphitheaters, sacred springs and holy wells, Roman baths and ancient aqueducts, natural hot thermal and mineral springs, and surely the mighty crystal-clear emerald sea.
Expedition Route
Expedition Itinerary
Day 1: Arrival
We gather in Sardinia, get to know each other and celebrate the beginning of our expedition.
Day 2: Cult of Water
Today we will explore the 17th-century BC Romanzesu sanctuary that used to be one of the greatest towns in ancient times. It was a holy pilgrimage site with people coming from as far as Spain and Egypt to participate in rituals of purification, healing and rebirth. Nowadays the complex comprises several religious buildings, circular village huts and an amazing amphitheater structure connected to the Cult of Water of the ancient Nuragic Civilization. We will also visit a few nuraghe, ancient megalithic cone-like towers made up of giant stones found only in Sardinia, and Domus de Janas, 'fairy houses,' prehistoric rock-cut chamber tombs. We will finish the day soaking sore muscles in the steaming waters of Terme San Saturino, the oldest natural spa on the island that offers water of great therapeutic quality, the same water that was used by the ancient Romans.
Day 3: Valle di Lanaittu
Valle di Lanaittu will make you speechless with its beauty. We will journey into the heart of Sardinia discovering masterpieces of nature, legacies of the past, springs, caves and Nuragic villages. We will hike to the complex of Sa Sedda e Sos Carros, the Nuragic sanctuary with its unique building, which, according to archeologists, was made to function like a sauna 2.000 years B.C. In the area there is a paleolithic cave and an impressive grotto that resonates with a terrifying sound after heavy rainfall. We will also visit the spring of Su Gologone that is connected to the Cult of Water of the ancient Nuragic Civilization and was recognized as a Natural Monument of Sardinia. The spring is 135 meters deep and it brings the purest and cleanest water on the island.
Day 4: Golfo Orosei
The pristine Golfo Orosei houses the most stunning beaches in Sardinia, bright turquoise waters and a magnificently rugged coast line. Most beaches are not accessible by foot or car, that's why we will explore this marine area by boat, visiting gorgeous coves and beaches. We will swim, sunbathe, do Chi Gung in the sea and LifeStream within the Water element.
Day 5: Gola di Gorropu
We will spend this day in Gola di Gorropu, Europe's Grand Canyon. The hike weaves through holm oak woods, boulder-strewn slopes and cave-riddled cliffs. We will do Chi Gung in the gorge and have an introduction to LifeStream Walking energization practice.
Day 6: Day of Rest
Today we stay at home. We go swimming, hold a sharing circle, cook and eat together, do nothing and rest.
Day 7: Nuragic Past
On day 7 we will have many treats on our plate: a mysterious Serra, a ruined Nuragic village nested in olive groves, Fonte Sacra Su Tempiesu, the sophisticated well temple, Tomba dei Giganti S'Ena e Thomes, "giant's tomb"—an ancient burial chamber built at the height of the Nuragic period. We will also visit two Natural Monuments of Sardinia: the spring of Su Gologone that is 135 meters deep and that brings the purest and cleanest water on the island, and the oldest tree in Europe. This tree is called Babbu Mannu by the locals—"the Great Father"—and is more than 4,000 years old. This grandfather of all olive trees is very impressive: it has a circumference of about 12 meters, a height of 8 meters, a 4.5 meter base diameter and the huge crown covering an area of about 600 square meters. We will do special practices in these natural wonders to attune to their energies and to connect with their wisdom.
Day 8: Trenino Verde
We will cross wild and unique landscapes of Sardinia by a little train that runs the longest route in Europe. It will bring us to the heart of Sardinia, the real and the most authentic part, unreachable otherwise. The train runs among cliffs, wild valleys, rich forests, where we may spot mouflons, wild boars, foxes and other native animal species, as well as deep gorges and superb bridges. It is a timeless journey!
Day 9: Orgosolo
Once a byword for banditry, Orgosolo was revived by its inhabitants who started painting murals to express their opinions and attitudes. The village became an enormous canvas for some of the most charged graffiti you'll ever see. We will also visit the museum of Mediterranean masks to learn more about history, traditions and centuries of festivities and rituals, shared by various ancient civilizations in the Mediterranean.
Day 10: Gennargentu National Park
Today we will spend time with the sea and the mountains. In the central-eastern part of Sardinia, there is a vast and unspoiled natural complex that embodies a wild, rugged beauty, and is considered one of the most beautiful parks in Italy. Here the high mountains of the Gennargentu meet the sea, forming dramatic cliffs, scattered with bays and lapped by aquamarine waters. Inaccessible peaks, green pastures, plateaus, canyons, centuries-old forests, sheer cliffs overlooking crystal clear waters, caves and beaches. We will walk in silence to access our hidden resources through incubating an important question or inner inquiry, and letting our ten-day journey integrate into our bodies and minds.
Day 11: Departure
Our expedition comes to the end. Today we are saying good-bye to the island.
Expedition Team

Facilitator: Michael Yoshpa

Michael is a Process-oriented therapist and a Life Coach, he holds a PhD in Pharmacognosy and Medicinal Chemistry, and Master's Degrees in Biology and Education. He is a photographer and a facilitator at internal development and self-realization retreats.

Michael is an author and facilitator of several therapeutic and educational laboratories: My Creative Self, LifeStream, Living Science, and Living Dreams, all of which are syntheses of traditional and devised approaches that he has developed over the course of many years in study, practice and research. He teaches meditation, Yoga and Chi Gung.
Organiser, guide, interpreter: Yana K.M

Yana is a puppeteer and a photographer. She holds a Master's Degree in Fine Arts from the State University of New York. Yana taught photography in different settings, from kindergarten to university, organized art workshops for children and adults, performed puppetry shows, danced and took part in numerous exhibitions and festivals worldwide. Yana practiсes and teaches Kundalini yoga.

Over the last 20 years, Yana has visited more than 35 countries. She speaks fluent Russian, English, French and Indonesian.

How are Living Myth Expeditions different from other tours?
Our expeditions are not your usual travel agency tours. We try to stay away from the crowds and venture to remote destinations. We would love your 100% participation and involvement in co-creating the journey together with us. And what is even more important is that we travel not only far out, but also deeply within. We study and learn how the outer influences the inner and vice versa. We offer daily practices cultivating conscious and caring attitude toward ourselves, the group and the world around us.
How many people are in the group?
In retreat-expeditions we travel in small groups of 8-10 people. It is important for us to be aware of every participant and give everyone our full attention. We also invite an atmosphere of friendship through co-creative teamwork, supporting and helping one another during and after the journey.
Can you tell me more about the expedition?
We create and propose a specific, yet flexible program that can be changed during the trip according to your suggestions and through a consensus among the traveling group. We have two fixed points: place of arrival and departure, and our base camp. The rest is open to improvisation. Traveling by car we are free to go anywhere inspiration takes us. We will begin every day with body-mind practices, including hatha yoga, LifeStream, Intuitive movement and meditation. Every evening we will hold a sharing circle to process and integrate our daily experiences in a company of friends. We will also practice Chi Gung at many different locations, learning how to feel and access the local energies for healing, rejuvenation and inspiration.

What is MySelf laboratory?
MySelf is a co-creative laboratory facilitating group dialogue to explore our sense of self, to become aware of our inner calling and creative spirit within, to examine our patterns, habits and routines, and to see how current life situation affects our health, inner disposition and creativity.
What is LifeStream laboratory?
LifeStream is a co-creative laboratory for an in-depth exploration of the human body. It is dedicated to studying, becoming consciously aware of, purifying, refining and mastering the body's material and subtle dimensions. LifeStream was created by Michael Yoshpa about 15 years ago as a harmonious synthesis of many traditional and innovative approaches, which were developed in the course of his extensive study, practice and research.
I have never done any body-mind oriented practices, is Living Myth for me?
Our laboratories don't require any previous experience in body-mind practices. During the expedition all participants will receive individual instructions and necessary assistance.
Where are we going to live?
We will stay at a wonderful campsite surrounded by wild nature, not far from the ocean. We will sleep under the stars and cook our own food. Simple life in harmony with nature.
And what about food?
Cooking and preparing our meals together at the Laboratory of Conscious Eating and Spontaneous Culinary Art will be an important activity of our expedition. We will also visit some of the best restaurants and cafes on the island to try local delicacies.
What about transportation?
A comfortable van will take us around the island.
How do I get to Sardinia?
You can arrive to Cagliari Elmas Airport (CAG) or Olbia Costa Smeralda Airport (OLB). There are also ferries from mainland Italy to the island. To get to the expedition campsite in the town of Orosei you can take a taxi or a bus. Please send us an email with your itinerary and we will help you to figure out how to get to our Sardinian home.
What should I take with me for the trip?
Please, pack light, comfortable clothing and footwear, suitable for body-oriented practices and trekking. You will also need a swimming suit and yoga mat. We will send you a detailed list after you register for the expedition.
Experience Sardinia's
Happy Life & Longevity Secrets!
Book your trip and send us your requests

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